Knight Quartz Flooring - The Global Leader in Quartz Flooring

Knight Quartz Flooring - Terms of Use

Knight Quartz Flooring, the Knight Quartz Flooring logo, and all trademarks and service marks referred to on this web site are the property of Knight Quartz Flooring, Global LLC., and may not be used without the express, written consent of Knight Quartz Flooring.

Legal Notice:

Please take a moment to read the following terms and conditions that govern your use of the Knight Quartz Flooring web site. Your use of the Knight Quartz Flooring web site will be considered your consent to these terms and conditions. For your protection and ours, we may from time to time change these provisions without prior notice.

This web site is owned and operated by Knight Quartz Flooring. The contents of all material available of this web site are copyrighted by Knight Quartz Flooring. All rights are reserved and the contents of this web site may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, or transferred in any form or by any means, except with the prior written permission of Knight Quartz Flooring.

This web site contains the trademarks, service marks and trade names owned by Knight Quartz Flooring. Nothing contained in this web site should be construed as granting any license or right to use any of these marks without prior written permission of Knight Quartz Flooring. The unauthorized use of this web site and/or the materials contained on this web site may violate applicable copyright, trademark or other intellectual property laws.

Knight Quartz Flooring shall be responsible for the performance of its products to the extent it accepts responsibility in its warranties, copies of which are included on this web site. Nothing in this web site varies or alters the terms of those warranties. Nothing in this web site shall make Knight Quartz Flooring responsible for the acts or omissions of any other party, including any dealer that sells Knight Quartz Flooring products.

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